Friday, January 18, 2019

On the ANCIENT ARCHITECTS presentation 36,420 BC: Zep Tepi. 09/01/2019

 Summarized from Source: [1]

Accounting for Armando Mei’s Zep Tepi theory[2] we put the placement of the mythical ‘First Time’ (Zep Tepi) in 36,420 BC. Due to the concurring alignment of the Sphinx as an eastern marker with the Leo Constellation, and where a specific differentiation over the ecliptic and meridian relates to placements of it’s component stars[3]. Expecting the shape of the Belt to ‘mirror the sky’ precisely.

The stellar alignment hypothesis originally proposed and accredited to Robert Bauval has been extended to include the chambers within the Pyramid.

Both he and Graham Hancock propose the inner chambers ‘point’ to associated constellations or stars. I disagree believing these internal chambers aren’t associated with the stars, but that they were for channeling sunlight for illuminating the central chambers.

Mei’s argument goes on to divulge on the astro-architectural case for an earlier periodic build than the dynasties, in according the precession of the equinoxes[i]. His case cites an inventory stela honoring Khufu which itself accounts for the ‘Temple of the Sphinx’, & the ‘Pyramids’[4]. At this site the tomb of khentkaus‘ weathering  indicates coincidental placement with the Sphinx. Furthermore a 67° angular alignment is accounted as coinciding with Sirius in 36,420 BC on the plane of the vernal equinox.

[1] Ancient Architects, ‘36,420 BC: Zep Tepi & the Age of the Giza Monuments’.
[2] Il Segreto Degli Dei: Un Viaggio Tra Scienza, Qaballah E Alchimia. December 11th 2014. Createspace.
[3] Alnitak, Alnilam & Mintaka
[4] Ancient Architects, ‘36,420 BC: Zep Tepi & the Age of the Giza Monuments’.

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