Friday, January 18, 2019

Espousing a theoretical case for efficient and practical fishing with an eco-friendly pyramid technology

Backdating the geophysical make-up of the Egyptian plateau, I will be theorising on the basis that the desert and river of the Nile are new and emerged potentially after a global catastrophe which destroyed an Atlantean society. The arable land there spanned a far more diverse river tributary system according to accounts, and the myths espoused to ancient Greeks such as Herodotus and Plato, maintained accounts of a complex civilised African oriented society lost in the ages but had only succumbed to the simple life once again after a brutal take down by nature. Continuingly, evidence was left in the Great pyramid complex, the Sphinx, and such numerous ooparts worldwide that convey a megalithic society boomed in pre-history practising complex astroarchaeology and possessed mean capacity to build beyond our present means. Practically to suggest the Sphinx was a stone feline feature of a vast tributary system, and monument, it was symbol of respect for lower-Africa. As a water-based feature specifically, anthropological reason would suggest for the lion-surviving Khememu, the monument was a harbinger to a world capitol, aside the dangerous Nile and its local reptilian population. Continuingly, the Sphinx which we inherited today was apparently received by an emergent society post-apocalypse, of which only the head was known as it was then re-carved into the face of their new Nile God. He or She, the venerated mother/father of the new society set root for the Egypt we know today. To re-emerge as a centre for African society, the vast mining operations of the southern tip of Africa were not yet again initiated by Africans, but now we have some base apprehension of what exactly these Khemits achieved alongside their grand power plant, an apparently pure green-energy source which we can now understand in detail.
This recent study here outlined details that the electro-magnetic capacity of the pyramid is evident through the ‘intensities of electric and magnetic fields’, and ‘the maximal values of electromagnetic field intensities inside the chambers.’ Of these chambers the King’s Chamber remains a figurative oasis, or a bubble within the electro-magnetic forces, and so fundamentally immune to them. Graham Hancock has expressed the wonder of actually occupying this space, for its resonant properties in which one’s voice may be heard far out within the resonance chamber as if not at any distance. The chambers as accounted within this great pyramid and also a single chamber underneath, allow for ‘the excitation of the Pyramid's higher-order multipoles… [and] higher energy density inside the Pyramid’. Furthermore, beyond the free space hypothesis ‘In the earth conditions, [excitation] could be used for controlling the radio-wave propagation and reflection. Due to the scaling properties, such a behaviour can be realized in different spectral ranges for suitable material and geometrical parameters.’ Referencing this landmark 2018 study called the ‘Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration’, Mikhail Balezin, Kseniia V. Baryshnikova, Polina Kapitanova, and Andrey B. Evlyukhin have proven a dynastic era build of the great pyramid as a mausoleum is entirely fanciful, and the appropriated ownership of these buildings by dynastic Egypt was indeed given.[1]
Concerning integrated construction applying the weight of the pyramid to create charge in turn insulated, it’s been postulated and accounting ancient Greek records; the ancient lost city on site of Cairo utilised an underground tunnel network, even a vast underground infrastructure similar to modern sewage and electrical system. Secondly and concerning the resonant capacities, postulations confer that Obelisk’s had a similarly important function in attuning resonant frequencies for altering or extending their radii, and within the applications or function of the great pyramid which are undetermined. Reviewing ancient hieroglyphs, we should correlate post-Atlantean recollections expressed onwards in dynastic Egypt as recounted, and with practices of the Atlantean technocracy, but naturally there is little to this affect. Some curious facts however are apparent, and the constructive feats of the pyramid pertain to these facts. More so evidence which Brien Foerster has addressed in detail, confer the possibility that the Atlanteans who dominated the shores of modern Europe, Africa, the Middle-East, South and East Asia in pre-history, as evident in extensive underwater cities; indeed, includes an acutely more intelligent sub-human racial nobility, reasonably labelled Cranium Elongata.[2]

Arguagbly the original sphinx was a frontal monument to this ancient city centre. Imaginatively applying a method of parabolic reflection, we maybe able to justify the ill-respected theory that precision laser equipment was being applied, and at least in purpose of construction itself, that is if rays of light were being channelled into it similarly by such magnification outside. Then the theoretical and historical divide maybe approached when applied to the waters as used as a conduit to distribute power (and light) throughout both above and the underground metropolis of the Khemit. Christopher Dunn believes if fact and concerning a dual-purposed great pyramid, that that ‘by virtue of the Great Pyramid acting as a coupled oscillator, the Great Pyramid could have functioned as a radio station’. (Meher, 2001).

The final piece to this puzzle and primary purpose of this paper, comes on basic assumption to date, to the question of what would be done with a vast amount of power which is teetering over a huge tributary system. Naturally and fundamentally without disappointing the avant garde, the answer is welfare, and particularly domestic security acquired with a well-fed population. I will confer that the pyramid's power generation, if indeed the pyramid is a sustainable power plant; was applied in fish farming. Noting the rough-hewn tunnel from a ‘well’ within the great pyramid to the underground chamber which reasonably links to the underground water tributary; fish which migrate in from the Nile may be harvested via electrocution from this mark, and applying power generated into the vast underground tributary and in one fatal execution set to feed the metropolis at a determined time. The fact that the tunnel underground ‘within’ the great pyramid is of such precision, would indicate it was required for lighting underground and indeed maintenance of the linking chamber which exhibits complex water weathering. Of course, within this proven underground tributary system alone many problems remain; were the apparent tons of fish assumedly maintained within farming pockets of the system, or were these fish indeed baited in from the river? How were they harvested once electrocuted and dead finally?
It would be the luxury scenario and justified within imaginative reason, necessarily that as indeed the boon of a popular ruler; that ready-to-eat fish would rise to the surface in community basins, and every nth day, for drying, smoking and cooking. This method of direct delivery of food to the population indeed and unduly disqualifies these Khemit as hunter-gatherers. Concerning all further aspects of this megalithic phenomenon hypothesis, case materials are largely espoused by Graham Hancock, Michael Tellinger, and Nassim Haramein to name a few. In conclusion this is early days concerning a case for a 7000-year devolution prompted by unpreparedness for the savage forces of a galactic nature.

Balezin, M., Baryshnikova, K. V., Kapitanova, P., & Evlyukhin, A. B. (2018). Electromagnetic properties of the great pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(3), 34903. doi:10.1063/1.5026556
Foerster, B. (2018). Ancient Elongated Skulls Of Peru And Bolivia. Youtube
Meher, S. (2001). The Land of Osiris. Adventures Unlimited Press: c.15. 0932813585. Retrieved at:

[1] Balezin, M., Baryshnikova, K. V., Kapitanova, P., & Evlyukhin, A. B. (2018). Electromagnetic properties of the great pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(3), 34903. doi:10.1063/1.5026556
[2] Ancient Elongated Skulls Of Peru And Bolivia Full Lecture. Dec 11, 2018.

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