Monday, January 30, 2023

Royal Symmetry

Rulers of ancient Kingdoms had governments periodically eclipsed from a continuous narrative, and obfuscated. Dynasties expressed congenially and interrupted by warfare, coups or any signature of discontent should be highlighted appropriately under the modern political framework to achieve better stability. That is knowledge is the reference to achieve progress, where disruptions are either avoided, managed or converted. History is so useful for achieving perspective and not 'repeating the mistakes of the past', especially where there is one new way achieved in the removal of an inferior way, power, science or people. It's a difficult emotionally exhausted request, since culture dictates, and individuals need fully subscribe to changes lest they perhaps are not in agreement with the status quo, or rather pertain to the former, and potentially greater way, they should do so secretly or be ostracized. In more of a life-long commitment than reading a story, it's the adoption of principles to create success, and if injustice is perceived concurrently, action will be sought to remedy it. Thus have rebellions ensued historically, and continue through modern times, as peoples, races, and societies wax and wane.

This blog will highlight an idea, which is perhaps the revival of a former standard thus, an archaic revival if you will. Since in the understanding of the lost technology of the past, indications from prevailing monuments express a certain amount of mysterious qualities and this one particularly seems premier. It's precision symmetry applied for utility and in the cosmetic appearance of rulers of Egypt or pre-Egyptian Atlantis. Looking at a specific feature in the head-wear and skirts of rulers where the pyramidical shape is represented in garb, and comparing hence the feature representation with the known function of the constructions, an unusual set of similarities emerged to express the idea of royal symmetry, in combination of exclusive pyramid technology and representations of royals which may in fact be their very signature of power; the royal symmetrical society. 

In discussion around the pseudo scene, the ideas been addressed by the Ancient Architects channel, in the representation of the Egyptian dress as indicative of royal bearing, that is that in the artistic representation of Pharaohs or the royalty their dress takes on the shape of the side of a pyramid. This of course occurs with head-wear too, and nowhere more prominent than on the Sphinx, headlong in front of the great pyramid of Giza. This micro-pyramidical garb in this place and alignment creates a certain very interesting idea, where comparing the head to the pyramid, where the cranium effectively rests inside the pyramid to scale. That is that the voice-box is indeed of the same constitution as the resonance chamber inside the pyramid. The acoustic device which a human has successfully applied in speech is emphasized in comparison of the two, if the inner working of the pyramid is in fact modeled on the inner working of the human head. Indeed not just any human, in this case but where the word of this ruler gives power to rule, just as controversially the sound within the Great pyramid creates it's electrical power as a power plant.

It's well known that genetic imperfection is directly associated with non-symmetrical properties, where growth may be maligned to the eye and measured under the megascopy of Cartesian coordinates. Cartesian dualism indeed expresses a precise order, a modular framework in which construction may be achieved even on the spherical surface with relative integrity. The constructing of buildings, statues, boxes, bowls or anything in fact from a stable point of integrity is simplified with Cartesian dualism, where you may place a motor, run it with it's gauges and channel it in a direction to manipulate the matter there in whatever way desired. Though Cartesian dualist application of construction methodology is a relatively alien principle to the more natural organic construction principle at use by actual living plants, such as trees, or particularly ferns. Spiralic construction applies moving centers of influence, the bud as it is, which is not a stable central engine or motor, but similarly so, and more limited in its ability to 'reach' out and create the appropriate substance in the place it's required. Natural construction doesn't achieve things like stone buildings of course, and we can't effectively manipulate it so, as meta-conditions determine a plants growth. Organic life through pertaining to spiral growth methodologies is how humans grow in meta-orientation. Spirituality has also come to encompass this idea in abstract origins, and science should better pertain to measurement from non-Cartesian dualities, affixed in constant competition with strictly controlled conditions. 

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