Friday, July 12, 2024

Barabar & Nagarjuni; Cave mystery

The Barabar Hill Chambers (Hindi बराबर, Barābar) bear Ashokan inscriptions describing permissions for residence within during emergencies. This relay presumably describes a time where the ascetics were harassed or otherwise denied entry to the artificial caves, though not so subsequent to the Kings proclamation. This act would have garnered much support and eluding to the manufacturing of these megalithic caves alone. The chambers as complete, are not fit for regular human occupation by any means of course. Without airflow, or light, their use for emergency purposes during peak rains was obviously considered a risk to the status quo.

The five caves of which some remain unfinished, demonstrate exceptional architecture which if replicated in 2024, anything would be, in according the modern architectural standard; inferior by comparison. 

Funny Olde World details professional opinions on these matter, presenting the mathematics involved as shown.

The placement and use of symmetry within is generally accepted to have remedial application. That is, that acoustics within maybe applied in healing (this would've applied to royals and the regency seeking treatment for illness). However this may still have been a secondary benefit of an technical (industrial) application by later era's. To deduce the function and purpose, we are first assuming either remedial or technical functions alone exist. The first problem with such assumptions are the indications' from the unfinished chambers. There are two distinct era builders on site accordingly, specifically relating to the chiseling on unfinished roofing over perfectly finished walls. It's quite possible that a finished chamber without the domed roof (a rectangular chamber) was expanded by a later architect to include a domed roof, but this architect failed to complete this roof and/or antechamber, but completed aesthetic porches. This indicates a concerted push by the second era builders toward remedial usage from industrial functions.

The complete chambers omit any inscriptions pertaining to use but the nature of the polishing is described as indicative of technical application. However the make and design of the chamber is sufficient to indicate the builders potential and probably application (use).

This antechamber (shown above) mirrors the symmetry inside and outside; which from a referential perspective is practically impossible to conceive. Relating to the Indian lore of ancient times, a building practice based on the akashic field would explain the matter of facts. If the original builders were using an inherent sub-field in which mathematical principles can be enforced it would be easy to achieve the geometric feats exhibited. That is that use and placement of tools to achieve these wonders of architecture were based on measurement off-of a hereto un-utilized practice of measuring and working with the akashic field. It is said today that;

The Akashic records are typically accessed through a prayer called the Pathway  Prayer. The prayer is a vibrational frequency composed of specific sounds that allow you to access the Akashic records. We must consider hence whether the chambers were not specific to remedies, rather conducive to attainment, as per a meditative state of mind.


The Barabar: Archeological Site of the Future documents three attempted experiments of recording audible sounds within the chamber, and to understand the acoustic properties at play. Noting that these experiments were performed without sealing the chamber door, as no door remains if there was one for actual acoustic usage in remedial application. The team at Funny Olde World concluded that due to reverb and resonance audible discussions were never achieved within, and certainly no sermons, but amplification was achieved and that is described as naturally 'speeding-up' one's word/song (noise), and which if alone, would have the desired remedial effect. 34.4 Hz was determined to be the resonant frequency common to all the chambers accorded by the grand granite stone seams called the 'whales'.




Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Bibical exegesis continued

This section of the walling at the Temple of Karnak has for all intents been a mystery to us and not since observing and photographing it hereby. At the temple of Karnak, Luxor, the mystery of the place is one the locals at the site pertain to propagate on the contrary. This is not to say they are inheritors of those causing the partial destruction, and nor were more if any were actually offering for sale reference materials, description, histories or secondary depiction on the site of the temple grounds. This, tourist issue is exactly the problem I've referred to in the complacent approach to the ancient world. Can inheritors following a previous societies demise see a credible purpose in preserving and articulating the mysteries, or rather as mysteries are such-like and treasured for cosmetic purpose alone, even in deliberate defamation or sabotage?

This particular depiction of a boat being carried is one instance of archaic revival considerably more appropriate to archeology as anthropogeny. Indeed the image was enhanced to display the missing features which were torn proper. The pictograph being ripped down the middle on the temple walls was repaired here digitally applying symmetry where respectfully the symmetrical properties were whence destroyed:

Clearly the image bears resemblance to a monstrous face now similar to the expose of John Major Jenkins regarding the tomb lid of Pacal Votan. This matter (and watch this space) maybe better discerned by specialists in Meso-American art, writing and religion, but the case for a link from Ancient Egypt to the Americas would have to engage with Olmec at the time, and this cannot by any means be ruled out from possibility (and sequentially evident with Mayan & Aztec deities). In fact it may be a plausible matter to be addressed proper with evidence on case and point, and is under investigation. 

The carrying of this boat seems to have been a matter most keenly distrusted where and assuredly most of the damage was deliberately caused. A scenario begins to emerge from history, and if not by Napoleon himself, thereby standing affront of the relief at Karnak, stabbing it hard with his rapier (at the pocket hole to the right of the main section) and demanding to know what its depicting. Why we should wonder were people carrying a boat across land, because whilst this was adamantly scrubbed off, it's still, quite clearly, humans underneath the boat, beside and on it, in either some act of reverence or reparation, or sanctification of their own variety. This is the conundrum besetting us now in recovery of this lore, of who were these humans so willing to walk the stones across Egypt to build the pyramid... and if not so, weren't these grandiose varieties the Annunaki too?

On site the suggestion of this very matter was raised in reference to the biblical ark of the covenant. A magical holding box to carry the commandments of Moses... That is (not sarcastically) hermeneutics is required once more to interpret this account in correlation with what's plain to see. One cannot argue that there are two giant figures directing the craft at both ends, and they are of immense stature compared to those around about it and carrying it. The fundamental and in continuity of what Laurence Gardener has claimed; the levitation of a stone block, a pillar and the building blocks of the ancient world seems evident whereby the entire craft is weightless and is being moved with gentle steering (the fan-like shape of the front for the wind, and the oar like bottom of the rear for the ground). That the blocks can be carried weightlessly is actually obvious here, and the reason for such insanity we would find besetting the denizens of modern Egypt, and to be the cause for royal disputes which ripped apart our modern world less than a century ago.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Royal Symmetry

Rulers of ancient Kingdoms had governments periodically eclipsed from a continuous narrative, and obfuscated. Dynasties expressed congenially and interrupted by warfare, coups or any signature of discontent should be highlighted appropriately under the modern political framework to achieve better stability. That is knowledge is the reference to achieve progress, where disruptions are either avoided, managed or converted. History is so useful for achieving perspective and not 'repeating the mistakes of the past', especially where there is one new way achieved in the removal of an inferior way, power, science or people. It's a difficult emotionally exhausted request, since culture dictates, and individuals need fully subscribe to changes lest they perhaps are not in agreement with the status quo, or rather pertain to the former, and potentially greater way, they should do so secretly or be ostracized. In more of a life-long commitment than reading a story, it's the adoption of principles to create success, and if injustice is perceived concurrently, action will be sought to remedy it. Thus have rebellions ensued historically, and continue through modern times, as peoples, races, and societies wax and wane.

This blog will highlight an idea, which is perhaps the revival of a former standard thus, an archaic revival if you will. Since in the understanding of the lost technology of the past, indications from prevailing monuments express a certain amount of mysterious qualities and this one particularly seems premier. It's precision symmetry applied for utility and in the cosmetic appearance of rulers of Egypt or pre-Egyptian Atlantis. Looking at a specific feature in the head-wear and skirts of rulers where the pyramidical shape is represented in garb, and comparing hence the feature representation with the known function of the constructions, an unusual set of similarities emerged to express the idea of royal symmetry, in combination of exclusive pyramid technology and representations of royals which may in fact be their very signature of power; the royal symmetrical society. 

In discussion around the pseudo scene, the ideas been addressed by the Ancient Architects channel, in the representation of the Egyptian dress as indicative of royal bearing, that is that in the artistic representation of Pharaohs or the royalty their dress takes on the shape of the side of a pyramid. This of course occurs with head-wear too, and nowhere more prominent than on the Sphinx, headlong in front of the great pyramid of Giza. This micro-pyramidical garb in this place and alignment creates a certain very interesting idea, where comparing the head to the pyramid, where the cranium effectively rests inside the pyramid to scale. That is that the voice-box is indeed of the same constitution as the resonance chamber inside the pyramid. The acoustic device which a human has successfully applied in speech is emphasized in comparison of the two, if the inner working of the pyramid is in fact modeled on the inner working of the human head. Indeed not just any human, in this case but where the word of this ruler gives power to rule, just as controversially the sound within the Great pyramid creates it's electrical power as a power plant.

It's well known that genetic imperfection is directly associated with non-symmetrical properties, where growth may be maligned to the eye and measured under the megascopy of Cartesian coordinates. Cartesian dualism indeed expresses a precise order, a modular framework in which construction may be achieved even on the spherical surface with relative integrity. The constructing of buildings, statues, boxes, bowls or anything in fact from a stable point of integrity is simplified with Cartesian dualism, where you may place a motor, run it with it's gauges and channel it in a direction to manipulate the matter there in whatever way desired. Though Cartesian dualist application of construction methodology is a relatively alien principle to the more natural organic construction principle at use by actual living plants, such as trees, or particularly ferns. Spiralic construction applies moving centers of influence, the bud as it is, which is not a stable central engine or motor, but similarly so, and more limited in its ability to 'reach' out and create the appropriate substance in the place it's required. Natural construction doesn't achieve things like stone buildings of course, and we can't effectively manipulate it so, as meta-conditions determine a plants growth. Organic life through pertaining to spiral growth methodologies is how humans grow in meta-orientation. Spirituality has also come to encompass this idea in abstract origins, and science should better pertain to measurement from non-Cartesian dualities, affixed in constant competition with strictly controlled conditions. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Stone Hills, inside the wilderness

(Updated Sept. 2024) Today’s revelations from the ancient world, from the first known settlements of civil society, are being largely halted in Turkey after the covering up of the remainder of the Gobekli Tepe site with olive trees. For future generations free from the threat of a new flood, to uncover themselves. But enterprises such as the Stone Hills Project continues the serious and utterly vital work to understand humanities origins in the dawn of civilisation based on what we already have from this new progenitor society, the fore-bearers of the Hittites. Linking ministries across regions, States and with united support to uncover the structures buried by the ancient people of modern day Turkey. SHP is a noble example of collaborative enterprise and must be the bastion for many States, where sites remain underground, cultures misunderstood, history trumped, and modern society inflicted as a result. Anything less damages the well-being and integrity of our fragile civilisation, by producing ignorance, which leads to dangerous developments in carelessness for the sanctuary that is planet Earth.

Karahantepe, Harbetsuvan, Gürcütepe, Kurttepesi, Taşlıtepe, Sefertepe, Ayanlar, Yoğunburç, Sayburç, Çakmaktepe and Yenimahalle; these sites are the central ambitious works underway regarded as presently the first example of sedentism and social union on Earth. Sayburç is the topic for this discussion, for its social ramifications which Cambridge has conveniently skipped over. The site contains two varieties of petroglyph; the inscribed image, and protrusile image. The imagery appears as a quintet that conveys two humans with two functions; the inner and outer function thereby differentiated. Alternatively one might contend the relief wasn't given full commitment, only part was worth the time to protrude, the easiest inscription being less important, done quicker, and so with less meaning. Or, the meaning of the relief is instilled by two fashions of rock. Though one wouldn’t as easily say the male image (protrusile) is far more important than the female image.

Both figures are surrounded by beasts, the beast which eats humans appears twice surrounding the protruding male in phallic posture. This scene doesn't hold true to reality, and thus the meaning is complex to interpret, for, if a male is surrounded by tigers intent on him, they are either tame (an exception, however unlikely, it's possible), or the tigers are prepared to ingest him together. His genitalia may be in this affair of two inverting forces (rendered in the ejaculation), that of two tigers, there pronouncing his sexual presence as equally desirous of two hungry tigers. This interpretation has multiple merits, one so held in Chinese medicine still in the reverse case, an ingestion of tiger testicles. It's humane reciprocation is by the other figure, there unknown to and behind the tiger, facing another apparently imminent threat of impalement by a bull. The posture thus bracing for an impact is reminiscent of Spanish sport, with a fabric, lace, net or garb of sort in hand, she appears for want of teasing the bulls approach in tandem to bracing for impact. Together, the forceful and ever-natural sexual approach of the male, has a reciprocity likewise or equally forceful reception of the woman inscribed to the left. The figures breasts are visible front facing, contrary to the neck or collar attire of the male. The lack of commitment in protruding her posture from rock cannot be conclusively stated by the mere artist in questions effort, though, it's a probable case and point that the males sexual activity is premier, and not to attaining relief, rather impregnation, or that the society itself is a factor, and not only his satiation as a matter of animalist demand.

These questions present a very dominant archetype to consider as a patriarchal society, where women doubtfully wrestle bulls, and men more doubtfully tame tigers. Indeed in this originally centralised society, we can expect a far more indicative opposition with the natural world, where members of the society may choose to centralise or choose to go wild. If the entry into the metropolis meant obedience to laws, thus the restriction of going wild at this location, what may be conveyed here is instruction to both males and females. Such that the males role in procreation is defined separately to the females. Since inherent protections of participation emerge within the organisational enterprise, there said, as a 'wilder' citizen entering the complex, taking observations, and making adherence's to the lore. Now apart of a plan, and not freely determined by desires in the wild, but limited in ways of living among others, ways such as not hurting another person. The youthful intentions to family hence may be described, where the young males propensity to gratification doesn't equal a young females ability to satiate (indicative in the context of her getting impaled whilst he's sexually active). This may indeed be a premier instruction for any youth, likewise, new citizens entering from the wild, whether of deliberate intention to join the civilisation, or by accident, and recovery from the wild by the arbiters of this society. It's on good laurels that this may be the lore of the first recorded law against rape.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Planetary weather and habitability

Living through the receding and amassing ice caps is a regular condition of life on Earth. Yet, to consider this widest frame of climate change is to have free-perspective on habitability, which in turn ensures justifications for both the current status quo, and the historical (megalithic) demise on a rational basis. Alternatively considering only a small time frame, for example in the 'modern world', we have a limited basis for causes where the declination of ice-caps may be attributed to the heightened population, the excelling of technological means, and subsequent global warming particularly affected by CFC release and the breakdown of the Ozone layer over Antarctica for example. In all, the rise of a successful society is dependent on the declination of the ice-caps if and where alteration of the environment sees to cause the melting of the ice-caps, which many propose today. By successful, I mean that is that in a certain respect trial and error is necessary, where scientific achievements often neglect to adhere to the climates very sensitive make-up, and where populations may excel on a limited cycle for extreme and immediate (economic) prosperity. Indeed a society is effectively rewarded by disregarding nature and often essentially quickening the melting, and in what may be an inevitable demise of long-term prosperities.

The interesting matter of facts is that a society may prosper today at the detriment of long-term sustainability of a general populous. The Earth without any ice caps, we may assume (as a Water world to some extent), ensures promptly a peak of chaotic weather in which technological requirements to achieve a norm are also at a peak (which may include the conditions of living within humanity as a part of the weather system). The gap between the economic range of poor and wealthy would be most extreme naturally where the ability to condition a local control over the weather, and ensure a standard of living-well (independent of (devastating) wild weather) is held on a decreasingly feasible rate, where protecting technological devices most fundamentally becomes less achievable and as human hostility is a factor. In other words for example where the temperatures are highest and AC is required at a maximum power to ensure a human society can sustain any civil regard, or where the temperatures across the season are the lowest and the heating requirements are most costly. Assumedly the longer into the impending 'Water world' a society runs, the more difficult it should become, but also the more likely a medium may be reached. In fact considering the details of the soon to be realized Water world from a society accustomed to weather with ice caps, will certainly dramatically change conditions right? More storms, cyclones, tornados and typhoons, earthquakes and tsunami's, and when these are weekly events, or daily norms (who will be paying for the recovery?). Indeed on the scale from the Water world to the Snowball earth, the Snowball earth is the most secure, since you can pretty much guarantee there is only ever going to be winter storm gails which are predictable (unless as Brian Foerster believes catastrophic stone melting plasma storms arrive on Snowball earth too), and the Earthquakes are more mitigated for all probability. 

When considering both societal progression on a technological foundation, and where the technological progression is a factor of the inclination or declination between; it hasn't been formally assessed, not by for example the United Nations who claim some authority on the science of climate change. An assessment executed on the basis that a conclusive standard maybe ascertained by any society, so that a medium is reached by a society where sustainability is normalized throughout the new and impending conditions, which, should always have set economic factors which are public as so concerning supplies, labor and wealth. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume most people will give-up trying to alter conditions in a Water world, and live wholly with nature as any animal is and does, if, and, when maintaining some kind of computer is near but impossible in the avoidance of real weather (all assuming the poles haven't flipped, that is reversing magnetic polarity of the Earth and eliminating every single microchip in one fatal deed). Indeed the societal norms held dear as a rational standard for technological excellence may ultimately become the alien standard in the new Water world, where, and while nearing the end, the prevailing non-globalized cannibals, or natives of remote and jungle islands appear more humane than not, and most evidently sustainable by any standard. 

Looking to the future should be familiar actually, when simultaneously looking at the incredible feats of the Megalithic society evident until only 14k years ago, and when the last most extreme weather event of a cataclysmic meteoric impact finally ended what had been a thriving technological society. 

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Ark of the Covenant

Laurence Gardner details how the Ark was a superconductor for levitating whatever object it was placed on. If this is true and judging by the underground contents of the Serapeum of Saqqara, there's every likelihood that arks used on bigger arks were applied in feats. If several were affixed to each other what would happen? Would you achieve a perpetual or resonant cycle where and assuming the power is limited by the ORMUS within; perhaps a flying ship was the end result? There's another core assumption with this association of arks, that the boxes which could be moved around weightlessly, and could also move other objects weightlessly; that explicitly enables the opportunity to build for example the Great Pyramid, and in twenty years as foretold. The impact of accepting this technology is that of the remnants of Atlantis, the carrying on of traditions after the cataclysm suggests a far slower asphyxiation of potential, and in consequential tribal wars, documented at length by Old Kingdom scholars. If this one single matter is correct, it's still eclipsed by the stonecutting phenomenon, the most inexplicable fact surrounding moving of finely cut megalithic stone. A problem clearly embedded in historical identities such as the Free Masons. The only lead to date aside the perplexing wall carving at Dendara, is the rumor surviving the conquistadors, recounting that Montezuma possessed a giant golden bowl, the very kind applicable for controlled precision cutting with sunlight (parabolic reflection). The relationship between his Meso-American pyramid-society and Egypt is itself another mystery for another telling.

David Hudson relayed the allegory of Moses in smelting all the gold (the golden calf) of which he maintained was used as bread in the form of ORMUS. However the likelihood of this may be in allegorical terms, I doubt this is indeed the implication. Rather the economic factor is prevailing here. By compounding the value of gold in exchange for example the community is bonded and arguably by the most potent form of ORMUS, thus kept out of common usage for experimental purposes, by terms of natural common wealth. That gold is the most efficient form of ORMUS remains in question as per it's regular conductive properties, it's weight also seems a perplexing parallel. The allegory which relays the rites in which Moses left Egypt is more concerning to the alchemist of course and since 'Mo' meaning water combined with 'uses' is his name, it seems that the whole story is a fable, fabricated to encrypt the chemical processes in perhaps singularly extracting ORMUS from water and or for use as a power source within the ark. The breaking of the writing (of God) is further insinuated in some recounts of the inscriptions in the temple atop Mount Sinai which is said to be both a mining base for turquoise and metal. Gardner recounted in interview on Red Ice Radio that when the temple was rediscovered, the hallways were filled with white powder the likes of which becomes invisible and leaves the very fixed set of dimensions in this plane of existence; merely by heating it. 

Specifics of the Moses wider allegory such as the plague, the red river... in description of chemical procedures remains beyond me with little to no affinity in physics or chemistry. The question which begs of course is how the compounds filaments which remain in ORMUS as a silica and are no longer classed as that compound, are in grade of original compounds applied in use and combined use. Discussions with ORMUS enthusiasts to date have shown that whilst Ozone is the easiest compound to produce ORMUS with, access to it and relative viability is unknown. The group (Barry Carter and I) surmised at the time and regarding how after I visited Sinai in 2001 and witnessed a UFO in the skies over Saudi Arabia, that and whilst the popular UFO phenomenon of a circular flying disk may be a smoke screen for combined boxes as 'flying arks', the three lights in triangular formation moving in the upper atmosphere which was reported a frequent occurrence by other witnesses; could for all intents and purposes be a platform for further experiments in the upper atmosphere, and so likely driven by American interests in the region and since the debacles at Area 51.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Reassessing antiquity

Let us reconsider the fomenting theories of evolution once more, and under the auspicious conclusions so already drawn by many a intrepid philosopher. The most formidable herein concerns the biblical narrative conspiring to accustom the reader with such savants long past. Where the question’s alluding to the nature of the creator are beset in peaceful resolution of the divine. So archaeological evidence pertains, and let us transgress somewhat, over the cumbersome origins of weaponcraft between the Bronze and Iron Ages, to a still veritable source of inquiry in the transposition of sheer intelligence in the Giza plateau.
Should we expect and as already shown, the complexes there built were designed to harness natures aquatic bounty for feeding a populous, we should look to assuage the idea that a necessity for centralisation is so inferred. Then why should the people of this unknown (Atlantean) society require a mass solution in feeding a populous? Is it so evident that the very original attempt at a city centre is herein, and the juxtaposed line central to the biblical narrative is indeed contrary to the truth (that is the original source as a garden)? Is it also fair to deduce that there was a more significant reason for centralisation than previously identified, yet connoted through particularly Laurence Gardner’s in depth investigations into antiquity. He indeed in writing atests to the conclusion that Homo Sapien Sapiens were created by a progenitor race, particularly of whom I should confer in identification with the (his) Annunaki. The very same Homo Sapien Paracas it seems (I confer), who so acquired a following as to establish the practice of altering babies skull’s after birth, little even to mention kingly titles and royal lineages. There is appearing to be a hybridisation of Annunaki underway historically, and it would be pertinent to suggest the children indeed had a split brain for a particular function, and so were designed and harnessed or rather the environment set to ensure successful breeding. The illustrious depiction of an ancient hub of civilisation bearing a superior human race, and divergent races, may indeed infer the status of split-brains as desired, but further likely perhaps for the occupation of living itself (obviously in the extinction of the Annunaki). Should these unified brained humans bear indeed as presupposed, the innate wisdom of mind, and ability to fashion the most ingenious forms, it is reasonable to assume the prevailing species, us, and our very kin worldwide, were so forged at this certain location in provision of the core essentials of water and food; there freely disposed, by the magnificent grandeur of the pyramids.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Undivided

Let's reconsider the advanced concept of a homotropic brain. Given that Foerster's elongated skulls show a single suture separating the frontal lobe; in regular Homo Sapien Sapiens the second suture divides the left and right hemisphere. If then a homotropic brain retains no division of hemispheres, is it capable likewise of singular capacity? As per reasoning which is constituted by a deductive logic, we could assume this species didn't reason as we do and wasn't required to, to think. Regarding similarly an alternative mentality, innate knowledge pertains to a singular means or capacity. Science yet hasn't discerned how organisms are born with innate knowledge, which is critical to their survival and exclusive in a certain measure (precluding the survival of other species). What is it that has imprinted on the previous generations lineage, and is mandatory in the next? The absence of a significant matter of facts is apparent hereby in general non-understanding, and the existence of an ultimate referential system seems plausible in which a mind executes routines therein patterned as thought-based construct. The understanding of intelligence needs readdressing in this respect, and allusions to the mythical Akashic field is applicable hereby. That is the Hindu account of a primeval nature of mind where all information exists and is accessible to the enlightened. The only notable western dignitary to accountfully prove this in active practice within recorded history has been Edgar Cayce and his life and work remains contentious. Also some of his knowledge or prediction has been falsified, inferring there isn't an irrefutable bond thereto even when attainable.

Given that genetics of this species which I'm sufficing to call Annunaki until a time an irrevocable distinctions assertained; is being reconstructed from fragments remaining, it's plausible members of the extinct race maybe genetically reproduced. Then I would predict they can vouch for the creation of pre-historical methodologies with their sheer intellectual reasoning capacity. Things we use today, such as mathematics, language, these may be have been their creations. Even the first landmark technology in agriculture cannot be irrevocably said as evolving naturally, for the many wonders we take for granted such as fruit trees may all also have been genetically created in applications of sheer genius as we know Corn or other crops like Chickpeas were.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Ancient worldly 'politics', the root biblical tradition

Building on the work of key theoreticians we have a picture for the reconstructed lost epoch. In order with justifications for the megalithic sites, probable theories and assumptions all together; we can state the following;

The species not scientifically identified to date as exclusive to Homo Sapien Sapiens bore elongated skulls, a forthright skull, long neck and supreme height. Considered on recoverable records to date to have a Caucasian complexion with red curling hair, we could readily assume the distinctions of modern races were still prevalent between these people. With the single suture, a homotropic brain was the physical structural difference behind such incredibly advanced building feats on display in megalithic sites worldwide, which demonstrate precision technology feats and probably only 1% is known of such. That is that they bore incredible genius of which the split brain may only partially pertain too, in micro-advance on existing knowledge. We should assume this race which were idealized in Paracas Peru or ancient Egypt, for their cone-shaped heads, had a perfect symbiosis with the Homo Sapien Sapiens who were an off-shoot, and for accounting for their genius are interbred with our current completely dominant species. We could also assume that the prevailing Homo Sapien Sapiens (of today) are at least partly accountable for the demise and potentially following a cataclysmic event after which the breakdown of society followed the decimation of the environment when they as a ruling elite were either blamed for the scorn of nature or unable to partake with this far more savage nature of Homo Sapien Sapien, as would unfold in the 13000 years since. After this time it appears the only known remaining sites of elongated skulls were in Peru, and the Black Sea. Assumedly they migrated to these regions which were largely free to occupy and potentially escaping a carnivorous wrath of the apocalypse. Still major work is needed at the underwater sites world wide to corroborate this via burial chambers, and that a worldwide astronomically superior society were leading a multi-human species civilization, where working capacity within the societies was predetermined in extreme potentials of physical form, a practice not lost in modern animal husbandry. Where potentially giants existed, and also were not beyond the embattled nature of competition.

We can return to the classical myths of Genesis now, and with amicable resolve to understand those ideas central to a garden of Eden for example. It describes where humanity was free in some respects, peaceful in the ignorance under the auspiciousness of a superior intellect (the later entity of God).

Friday, January 18, 2019

On pyramid technology, people and Gods in myth and history. The likely methodology of a progenitor race.

The Site of Zawyet El Aryan is recounted as an unfinished pyramid. In close proximity to Giza, the chain of pyramids is deliberate in constructive design, set over the water concourses underground.
Here at Zawyet El Aryan as classed ‘an unfinished pyramid’, the first stage build is discerned, by which we can attribute the pyramid builder’s primary designer function in the pyramid, as access to the underground tributary (See Source :

Is there more to this story? More to the location and chain of sites linking the tributary system underneath Giza? Besides the matter of exactly how the pyramid functioned in generating energy[i]. For on the incredible fact that an ancient society managed an ecologically friendly powerplant for the purposes of harvesting fish en mass, we have numerous theories contending that the regional placement was essential.
First let’s consider the historical records of Egypt, concerning the Gods, an anthropomorphism related directly to the intelligible entities on our megalithic planar state. Further the duality in Egyptian and Greek myth is essential for us, in comparison to Sumerian myth, which all pertain to again in accounting for realist devising by the all-powerful creators which is seemingly beyond the comprehension of mere mortal homo sapien sapiens.
Our fundamentals to begin the inquiry are;
1. The Seven anti-deluvian sages Led by Oannes. The ‘fish-garbed figures
2. Enki is depicted in fish garb and/or with wings
3. The ‘temple’ in Abados, the City of Osiris' aquatic features

Relating to genealogical standards and that shared by our hypothetical sub-species Homo Sapien Sapien, in relation to the traditions of fishing there is a firm set of assumptions we can make. Trade of fish was potentially coordinated for the class-based social functions depicted by either winged humans, fish-garbed figures, and or establishing a social order organised particularly to feeding populations. Also conferring that a set of deities pertained to harness nature to provide fish to the people freely, en mass; the loss of this ability which confers the need for fishing sets course in absolution for the anthropomorphism which follow the genealogical traditions.
These are (which following the destruction of the megalithic periodic capacities of fish farming at Giza);
1)      The killing of the Gods and their followers
2)      The sub sequential apocalypsis, and necessity of barbarity in hunting
3)      Justification of suffering as conferred by the sub-racial state

Gods Reconsidered
The work by Berossus describing Babylonia, the ‘Apkallu’ - Sage, describes fish-men who are sent by the gods to impart knowledge to people. In Berossus, the first one Oannes (a variant of Uanna) is said to have taught people the creation myth the Enuma Elis. There are strictly seven sages or the seven kings who attained human-status from Gods in later myth;

Uanna, "who finished the plans for heaven and earth",
Uannedugga, "who was endowed with comprehensive intelligence",
Enmedugga, "who was allotted a good fate",
Enmegalamma, "who was born in a house",
Enmebulugga, "who grew up on pasture land",
An-Enlilda, "the conjurer of the city of Eridu",
Utuabzu, "who ascended to heaven".

This myth in reconsideration can detail how a society was affixed and accustomed to receiving ample fish from the city’s wells, as executed by the geomantic power of the pyramid. Also, that the divine right associated by this freedom as so ordained allowed or liberated perhaps further necessities. We could confer many natures to this line of thought, and Greek myth ascertains that the father of the Gods frequently intervened in earthly affairs, breeding with earth-women. The root structure of Sumerian myth also diverges on this course in the descending of gods who taught the people what they knew.
We need to accept the certain facts that relate to the loss of social status from the megalithic society to the post-flood society and so reemergent in Sumeria, Greece and Egypt to clarify this inquiry. That is actually less pertaining to the passing of knowledge, in the matter of significant loss, and as inferred by a necessity of basic survival skills/knowledge of civilisation. The frequent depiction of these demi-gods with a carry pot/bag suggests and into modern Buddhist/Hindu traditions, that a class was set aside to enforce the burden of such necessity. That is, these Godly men would receive alms rather than toil the land, and hunt prey. In this respect the barrier between God and Man wasn’t collapsed completely, rather those now smitten to toil for survival, as was mankind after the flood when accounting for the Megalithic society, had the boon of ‘public’ servants, there by granted, ready and able to impart extraneous knowledge of the world, functional change and profession. The reference to the outside world per say for those embroiled in the duties of a household. Meanwhile the men would take on identity with the treasured food regular folk couldn’t easily obtain. The Apkallu’s birded figure so in identifying the animal not of the water domain which is best fit and capable of fishing, does by the crueller measure prolong suffering.

The re-Engineering of greatness; a Gods Myth
Lastly, we should reconsider those closest to our constructed progenitors in a Megalithic Society, who may well have been rejected in a violent apocalyptic revolution or may peacefully have departed for Peru only to be bred out with Homo Sapiens. Any number of hypothesis confer what transpired between 14,000 and 12,000 years ago at the demise of Gobekli Tepe. But, Osiris and Isis the semblance of civility are mythically identified with bringing back the brilliance of the Gods with Maat, ⲙⲉⲉ/ⲙⲉ "truth, justice", the cosmic and social order. This is an ideal line of inquiry based on the pyramid texts in which we should distinguish influences of dynastic Egypt from Megalithic fact.

[i] The involvement of the Ionosphere in the process of power generation forms the fundamental difference to a strictly geomantic structural foundation with local amplification of electro-magnetic frequencies.

A case for the alternative sub-human species of elongated skulls

Accounting for a northern invasion, the Paracas’ people were persecuted, executed en mass and by blows to their heads typically according to Brien Foerster and archaeological evidence at mass graves. He recounts that these people were indeed homo Sapien Sapien however, at which time the Incan nobility, a royal bloodline, were exclusively native cone-headed, and managed largely to escape the genocide. Citing particular fetal evidence of teeth bearing unborn cone-heads, along with extensive DNA evidence, Foerster has made a case for an acutely endangered and secretive society, if not actually extinct. This cone-headed human being with increased cranium size, and assumptive means, dubbed Paracasian (cranium elongata), according to numerous physical specimens had deep red and curling hair, were considerably taller than the Homo Sapien Sapiens and had long necks.

It’s striking to imagine a people emulating these rulers by purposely deforming their heads. Were they indeed attempting to gain favour of their lords, or potentially deceive them into obtaining paternal benefits?
Those responsible for extensive geoglyphs localised far beyond well-known Nazca, has been debated, and the means for them to produce and appreciate this artwork at flight-capacity. In between Paracas and Nazca at the site of Palpa, 1000’s of intricate geoglyphs are found. While the Nazcan’s are attributed as those responsible for the genocide, they are not considerably those responsible for the Nazca lines and geoglyphs. Their ascension explains the loss of technology in fact, that acquiesced for creation of the Nazcar lines. Also, extensive and acutely specialized construction feats in the ancient masonic tradition and astro-architecture are appropriately repressed in this period. Foerster has shown three distinct phases of construction in Peru in fact[i], and each depreciating in sophistication. He finally has linked with DNA support, the migration of these Cranium Elongata to a source at the Black sea, where a similar major repository of elongated skulls are found, where the tradition of royalty is closely extended into dynastic Egypt.

 See: Ancient Elongated Skulls Of Peru And Bolivia Full Lecture. Dec 11, 2018
& for Foerster's evidence on the cranial suture 'Paracas Peru Elongated Skulls: Evidence They Were Born That Way'

[i] Extensively documented by Pukajay Productions in-conjunction with Brien Foerster

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