Friday, January 10, 2025

Ancient Narcotic Rites

 Fear surrounds the mysterious Ancient Egypt, and the taboo of the Khem. Where monastic stability was overthrown and coinciding with the slow but sure reduction of Annunaki royalty for today's Homos Sapiens Sapien standard, with bundle rounded craniums. Its no coincidence Tutankhamen was uncovered to the world, he the new side of a new world order, and the controversy surrounding the details of the treasures held within his cordoned off hallway for a tomb. One site exudes a particularly fearsome hope; the Osireion at Abydo. Here the recounting of rebirth is said and described with shown pictograph representation of pipe smoking. The concoction so unknown was likely cannabis and or combined with tobacco, as more certifiably smok-able. 


No doubt the idea of highness attributed to Royalty is abound, and its unlikely this was a reserved practice, rather a rite of passage of regency and all merchants from far and wide. The compound temple indeed seems to practically be an obstacle course, with some swimming assumed for participants equal tribulation perhaps. Today the algae rich waters don't invite such diversification of sensual indulgence, as the roofing would have ensured the mystical bath-house experience was unforgettable.

Far from the controversial temple of Serabit el-Khadim, the proposed site of another induction in cocaine is worth recounting in combination. Its Stella recounts a more certifiably royal prerogative in snorting the drug for more powerful effects, opposed to disseminating it as shem-bread to the people (of the levant too), a ritual still held in the Catholic church's communion of wine and what we should assume would be a cocaine crisp (though sadly a strictly flour solution today).

Of course the tribulation is bound for the MFKZT, a wholly white phenomenon arguably. That is not relative to racial distinctions, but substance quality, particularly to reproductive semen and the ascension phenomenon espoused through parenthood. The duty of the royal for their people, also is integral assembly of the matters from hitherto unknown genetics. The MFKZT enigma seems to have too many parallels actually, or as many as wondrous pure white substances exist in nature. As slang, and cursing 'in the name of', we must imagine the various embodiment of the white substance to absolve this descent from a monastic integrity. In fact by MFKZT meaning 'phenomenal white substances', Laurence Gardner wants to add powdered gold to the mix for anti-gravity. Though arguably a fatal demunition of the meaning and inquiry, we should assume that the golden calf was the peoples duty to absolve under royalty, in payment for specialized drugs like cocaine, as its so found commonly in what mummies have been recovered from the Egyptian Kingdoms. Indeed today's mafia based conspiracy pertains to protect the trade over this powerful narcotic, the heir of ancient kings there said. Combined with Laurence Gardners redirection of monatomic conspiracy towards the governmental side of society, there's indeed two powerful coagulants for the Witchers among us, and sufficient distraction from the mundane herding and pasturing otherwise occupying the social fabrics full time.

The Legacy of Khufu at Penu

Kawab (c. 2600 BC - c. 2570 BC) was the name of a significant ancient Egyptian prince of the 4th Dynasty. He was the eldest son of King Khu...