Saturday, March 12, 2022

Planetary weather and habitability

Living through the receding and amassing ice caps is a regular condition of life on Earth. Yet, to consider this widest frame of climate change is to have free-perspective on habitability, which in turn ensures justifications for both the current status quo, and the historical (megalithic) demise on a rational basis. Alternatively considering only a small time frame, for example in the 'modern world', we have a limited basis for causes where the declination of ice-caps may be attributed to the heightened population, the excelling of technological means, and subsequent global warming particularly affected by CFC release and the breakdown of the Ozone layer over Antarctica for example. In all, the rise of a successful society is dependent on the declination of the ice-caps if and where alteration of the environment sees to cause the melting of the ice-caps, which many propose today. By successful, I mean that is that in a certain respect trial and error is necessary, where scientific achievements often neglect to adhere to the climates very sensitive make-up, and where populations may excel on a limited cycle for extreme and immediate (economic) prosperity. Indeed a society is effectively rewarded by disregarding nature and often essentially quickening the melting, and in what may be an inevitable demise of long-term prosperities.

The interesting matter of facts is that a society may prosper today at the detriment of long-term sustainability of a general populous. The Earth without any ice caps, we may assume (as a Water world to some extent), ensures promptly a peak of chaotic weather in which technological requirements to achieve a norm are also at a peak (which may include the conditions of living within humanity as a part of the weather system). The gap between the economic range of poor and wealthy would be most extreme naturally where the ability to condition a local control over the weather, and ensure a standard of living-well (independent of (devastating) wild weather) is held on a decreasingly feasible rate, where protecting technological devices most fundamentally becomes less achievable and as human hostility is a factor. In other words for example where the temperatures are highest and AC is required at a maximum power to ensure a human society can sustain any civil regard, or where the temperatures across the season are the lowest and the heating requirements are most costly. Assumedly the longer into the impending 'Water world' a society runs, the more difficult it should become, but also the more likely a medium may be reached. In fact considering the details of the soon to be realized Water world from a society accustomed to weather with ice caps, will certainly dramatically change conditions right? More storms, cyclones, tornados and typhoons, earthquakes and tsunami's, and when these are weekly events, or daily norms (who will be paying for the recovery?). Indeed on the scale from the Water world to the Snowball earth, the Snowball earth is the most secure, since you can pretty much guarantee there is only ever going to be winter storm gails which are predictable (unless as Brian Foerster believes catastrophic stone melting plasma storms arrive on Snowball earth too), and the Earthquakes are more mitigated for all probability. 

When considering both societal progression on a technological foundation, and where the technological progression is a factor of the inclination or declination between; it hasn't been formally assessed, not by for example the United Nations who claim some authority on the science of climate change. An assessment executed on the basis that a conclusive standard maybe ascertained by any society, so that a medium is reached by a society where sustainability is normalized throughout the new and impending conditions, which, should always have set economic factors which are public as so concerning supplies, labor and wealth. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume most people will give-up trying to alter conditions in a Water world, and live wholly with nature as any animal is and does, if, and, when maintaining some kind of computer is near but impossible in the avoidance of real weather (all assuming the poles haven't flipped, that is reversing magnetic polarity of the Earth and eliminating every single microchip in one fatal deed). Indeed the societal norms held dear as a rational standard for technological excellence may ultimately become the alien standard in the new Water world, where, and while nearing the end, the prevailing non-globalized cannibals, or natives of remote and jungle islands appear more humane than not, and most evidently sustainable by any standard. 

Looking to the future should be familiar actually, when simultaneously looking at the incredible feats of the Megalithic society evident until only 14k years ago, and when the last most extreme weather event of a cataclysmic meteoric impact finally ended what had been a thriving technological society. 

The Legacy of Khufu at Penu

Kawab (c. 2600 BC - c. 2570 BC) was the name of a significant ancient Egyptian prince of the 4th Dynasty. He was the eldest son of King Khu...