Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Undivided

Let's reconsider the advanced concept of a homotropic brain. Given that Foerster's elongated skulls show a single suture separating the frontal lobe; in regular Homo Sapien Sapiens the second suture divides the left and right hemisphere. If then a homotropic brain retains no division of hemispheres, is it capable likewise of singular capacity? As per reasoning which is constituted by a deductive logic, we could assume this species didn't reason as we do and wasn't required to, to think. Regarding similarly an alternative mentality, innate knowledge pertains to a singular means or capacity. Science yet hasn't discerned how organisms are born with innate knowledge, which is critical to their survival and exclusive in a certain measure (precluding the survival of other species). What is it that has imprinted on the previous generations lineage, and is mandatory in the next? The absence of a significant matter of facts is apparent hereby in general non-understanding, and the existence of an ultimate referential system seems plausible in which a mind executes routines therein patterned as thought-based construct. The understanding of intelligence needs readdressing in this respect, and allusions to the mythical Akashic field is applicable hereby. That is the Hindu account of a primeval nature of mind where all information exists and is accessible to the enlightened. The only notable western dignitary to accountfully prove this in active practice within recorded history has been Edgar Cayce and his life and work remains contentious. Also some of his knowledge or prediction has been falsified, inferring there isn't an irrefutable bond thereto even when attainable.

Given that genetics of this species which I'm sufficing to call Annunaki until a time an irrevocable distinctions assertained; is being reconstructed from fragments remaining, it's plausible members of the extinct race maybe genetically reproduced. Then I would predict they can vouch for the creation of pre-historical methodologies with their sheer intellectual reasoning capacity. Things we use today, such as mathematics, language, these may be have been their creations. Even the first landmark technology in agriculture cannot be irrevocably said as evolving naturally, for the many wonders we take for granted such as fruit trees may all also have been genetically created in applications of sheer genius as we know Corn or other crops like Chickpeas were.

The Legacy of Khufu at Penu

Kawab (c. 2600 BC - c. 2570 BC) was the name of a significant ancient Egyptian prince of the 4th Dynasty. He was the eldest son of King Khu...